The men and women who created America are not only worth remem-
bering, they are interesing and fun to know. James Bayne is a master story teller who re-introduces some who were great and others who were not in this engaging new series.

His stories for young readers will be presented in five well-illustrated and affordable paperback volumes. They trace the progress of the War for American Independence from its dramatic opening shot at Lexington Green to the dying echoes of gunfire on the fields surrounding the village of Yorktown in Virginia

These stories do more than remember events. They reveal the character of the men and women, and boys and girls, who risked their lives and fortunes to win the right to
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Commonwealth Books
Preserving America's heritage with knowledge of America's history 

We tell stories about America's colonial and founding eras
Our "pocket book" illustrated histories of America remember the people, events and ideas that pro-duced the most remarkable country in the history of the world, a nation founded on principles of individual right, political freedom and self-government.
     Americans today are increas-ingly unfamiliar with their history and their heritage in these irreplacable founding principles. Commonwealth Books is helping to preserve this essential knowledge in the public mind by telling stories in ways that allow today's distracted audiences to see the people who made their history and the connec-tions they had with one another, to grasp the concepts that inspired them to act and to appreciate the significance of the events they mastermided. 
       History teaches that a shared appreciation for principles and purposes is necessary for a society to grow and prosper. Individual commitment to a common system of values is, in turn, a prerequisite for good citizenship. And this, History also teaches, is what makes it possible for a people to accomplish their common good and general well-being. Because we can lose sight of these truths, we believe it is worthwhile to take time to remember what made America great.
decide their own futures. In this dangerous pursuit, they helped to establish the great nation in which we are blessed to live. Mr Bayne makes them worthy examples for us and our future generations.

In addition to publishing stories about the people and ideas that made America, Commonwealth Books brings them to life in illustrated first person interviews. Programs in its "American Heritage Series" reintroduce today's Americans to their history and heritage by allowing men and women who were there to speak their minds and share their favorite stories.

Commonwealth Books
1800 Edgehill Center
Alexandria, VA 22307 
(703) 407-3719 
Philadelphians Celebrating Independence
Artist: Edward Percy Moran
Nation Makers
Artist: Howard Pyle
Commonwealth Books