
The Dubious Accomplishment
of the 
1st Continental Congress
Part I:

Agents of Empire
Britannia: Symbol of the Empire
William Pitt
(1708 – 1778) 
"The Great Commoner"
Prime Minister
1st Earl of Chatham PC
Artist: William Hoare  (1754)
Shooting General Braddock at Fort Duquesne - 1755
Artist: Edwin Willard Deming
Wisconsin Historical Society

John Stuart
(1713 – 1792)
3rd Earl of Bute 
Prime Minister 
(Web Image)

George Grenville
(1712 – 1770) 
Prime Minister
1763 - 1765
After a Portrait
 William Hoare

The House of Commons
Passing the “Revenue Act of 1764”
Illustration by J.M.W. Turner

The King’s Privy Council Debates Policy
(Extracted from a painting by Christian Schussele of
Benjamin Franklin before the British Privy Council in 1774)
Stamp Act Riots - 1765
(Web Image)

James Otis
(1725 – 1783)
Patriotic Essayist
Artist: Unknown
(Old Massachusetts

Stephen Hopkins
(1707 – 1785)
Governor of Rhode Island
Patriotic Essayist
(Extracted from John Trumbull’s
“Committee of the Declaration of Independence“)

Patrick Henry Before the House of Burgesses
May 30, 1765
Artist: Peter Rothermel (1851)

Richard Bland
(1710 – 1776)
Member - Virginia House of Burgess
Patriotic Essayist
Copied from Peter Rothermel’s 1851 painting 
"Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses”

Charles Watson-Wentworth
2nd Marquess of Rockingham
July 1765 - July 1766
Artist: Sir Joshua Reynolds (1766)
Augustus Henry FitzRoy
3rd Duke of Grafton
(1735 – 1811)
Prime Minister
1768 - 1770
Artist: Pompeo Batoni (1762).
Charles Townshend
(1725 – 1767)
Chancellor of the Exchequer
1766 - 1767
Artist: Sir Joshua Reynolds (1765)
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